Digitization in asphalt construction materials testing technology (mixture sampling)

Mix Sampling

Schneller & effizienter

With idsCloud, we digitize the entire process of asphalt mix sampling, thereby reducing the time required to a minimum.

Mix Sampling
Mix Sampling

Günstiger & nachhaltiger

Viele weiterführende Prozesse sind direkt
an das System angeschlossen

Einfach & Revisionssicher

Mix sampling entails extensive data collection at various survey points, which currently often takes place on paper or on sample buckets, and the same data is collected multiple times.

Mix Sampling
Mix Sampling

Eine zentrale Datenstelle

Extensive test reports can be generated from this, for example.

Digital mix sampling with the idsCloud from infratest Digital Solutions GmbH

Mix Sampling

Contact us

Your contact to us

E-mail: info@infratestdigital.de
Phone: +49 234 545088-40